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Fire and EMS Department

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FEMS Fire Safety Education

Welcome to the District of Columbia Fire and EMS Department’s Fire Safety Education page. We trust that you will find your visit to be time well spent, and when you leave, we believe you'll take with you a better understanding of fire safety!  As a parent, you'll find important information that can help you to make your home safer. As an educator, you'll find the makings of a valuable resource that will provide you with tools needed to teach fire safety. And if you're a student, you'll find all sorts of fun games and activities that help teach fire safety. 

DCFEMS Fire Safety Education

For Parents
Every school year, the DC Fire and EMS Department strive to do their part in educating children about the dangers of fire, and what to do if ever there's a fire in their home. But no matter how much your child learns, they cannot make their home safer without your help. Only you can do that. Will you take the next few minutes to make sure your home is safe?

Please review the checklist below:
For Teachers 
As a teacher, we recognize that your time is valuable. We also understand that you wish to provide your students with the best possible education when it comes to fire safety. In that effort, the District of Columbia Fire and EMS Department strives to create great resources, including games, activities and information designed to facilitate learning in the classroom.
For Kids!
To be good at something, you have to practice. Well, don't worry. Practicing fire safety has never been so much fun. Check out the link below and you'll find coloring pages, activities, and even games on fire safety.
Virtual Firehouse/Apparatus Tours
Whether it be a fire station tour or a school visit, DC's Bravest miss spending time with DC's youngest residents.
In lieu of these activities, The DC Fire and EMS Department is proud to present a series of virtual fire station and apparatus tours. 

Please share with friends and family so that they may learn more about the people, places, vehicles and equipment that help to save lives and keep people safe in the District of Columbia. 
Virtual Rescue Squad 3 Tour
March 2021

Virtual Engine 15 Firehouse Tour
March 2021
Virtual Fireboat Tour
April 2021
Virtual Medic 5 Tour
May 2021
Virtual Tower 3 Tour
August 2021
Resource Links: