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Fire and EMS Department

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Ambulance Billing

If you were treated and/or transported by ambulance to a hospital or other healthcare facility in the District of Columbia by the District of Columbia Fire and EMS Department (DCFEMS), please check this page for regular updates. DCFEMS provides this webpage as a resource for patients, patient representatives, insurers, attorneys and other parties to better understand DCFEMS ambulance billing policy, payment responsibility, and related topics.

  • If you are a patient or a patient representative (family, friend or other party) and have received a bill for ambulance transport, or have questions about the services provided, please visit this page for additional information.
  • If you are a representative for an insurer, benefit plan, workers compensation plan or other party accepting claims for ambulance fees and charges, please visit this page for additional information.
  • If you are an attorney representing a patient, please visit this page for additional information.
  • If you are a representative for a hospital, skilled nursing home, physician’s office or other healthcare facility and have received a bill for ambulance transport from your facility, please visit this page for additional information.
  • If you need to review DCFEMS ambulance billing policy to understand if you have payment responsibility for a patient account, or to determine if you are eligible for collection action on an unpaid account balance, please visit this page for additional information.
  • If you need to submit a Hardship Request Form, an Insurance Review Form, or a Patient Identity Dispute Form to request a reduction or waiver of ambulance fees and charges, please visit this page for additional information.
  • If you need to obtain a copy of your patient medical record completed by DC Fire and EMS first responders, please visit this page for additional information.

DC Fire and EMS uses a third party billing service for management of your patient account. All communication, insurance claims, and patient account billing is provided by this service. For all patient account inquiries including updating patient information, insurance coverage information, insurance claim status, payment responsibility status, and other account information, please call:


To access a patient account that is not in collection and view or pay invoices, submit insurance information, or ask a question concerning billing, please visit this page. Please use the invoice number and incident number found on a statement of account and/or bill for service to access. You will also need to enter a patient birthdate.   

To make payment for a patient account that is not in collection by credit card (including healthcare savings plan cards), please visit this page. To mail payment for a patient account that is not in collection (please make checks or money orders payable to D.C. Treasurer), submit forms, or mail other documents, please use this mailing address:

DC Fire and EMS Department
P.O. Box 717767
Philadelphia, PA 19171-7767


For all collection inquiries including notices about past-due delinquent debt from Harris & Harris, disputing a collection action, or making payment arrangements in response to a collections notice, please contact the D.C. Central Collections Unit (CCU) by visiting this page. Once a collection eligible patient account is transferred to the CCU, DCFEMS can no longer assist with account inquiries or accept payments.

PUBLIC NOTICE (10/01/2024)

Effective January 1, 2025 DCFEMS will implement changes to ambulance fees and charges. These changes were authorized by the Emergency Medical Services Fees Emergency Amendment Act of 2021, D.C. Act 24-159, D.C. Official Code Section 5–416(d)(1)(D) and (2)(D), dated August 23, 2021. New ambulance fees and charges include the following:

As of October 1, 2024:

BLS Transport: $1,500 is charged to patients receiving basic life support (BLS) level care and ambulance transport. BLS includes minimal (basic) treatment and vital signs monitoring. Oxygen may also be given. Reasons for BLS transport are usually considered non-life threatening.

ALS-1 Transport: $1,500 is charged to patients receiving advanced life support (ALS) level care and ambulance transport. ALS-1 includes assessment and/or treatment by a paramedic and may include cardiac (ECG) monitoring, IV/IO placement, administration of drugs and/or oxygen, and vital signs monitoring. Reasons for ALS-1 transport are usually considered possibly life threatening.

ALS-2 Transport: $1,500 is charged to patients receiving advanced life support (ALS) level care and ambulance transport. ALS-2 includes assessment and/or treatment by one or more paramedics and may include resuscitation (CPR), breathing tube placement (intubation), other advanced procedures (such as chest decompression), IV/IO placement, administration of multiple drugs and/or oxygen, and vital signs monitoring. Reasons for ALS-2 transport are usually considered immediately life threatening.

Ground Transport Mileage: $22.50 per loaded mile will be charged to all patients transported by ambulance. Transport mileage is measured from the incident (pickup) location to the receiving hospital or other healthcare facility.

As of January 1, 2025:

BLS Transport: The fee for BLS will increase from $1,500 to $1,750.

ALS-1 Transport: The fee for ALS-1 will increase from $1,500 to $1,750.

ALS-2 Transport: The fee for ALS-2 will increase from $1,500 to $1,750.

Ground Transport Mileage: The fee for mileage will increase from $22.50 to $26.25 per loaded mile.

Please click this link to view a copy of the rate change notice effective January 1, 2025.

PUBLIC NOTICE (10/1/2024)

Effective February 1, 2024 DCFEMS implemented changes to ambulance fees and charges for Medicaid program beneficiaries. These changes were authorized by the Department of Healthcare Finance (DHCF) as updates to the interim reimbursement rates for emergency medical ground transportation services as described by notice to DCFEMS dated December 27, 2023. Please click this link to view a copy of the notice.

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