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Consumer Fireworks On-line Permit Application Process

The information contained on this page is intended for all applicants making application to the DC Fire & EMS Departments Fire Prevention Division for consumer fireworks permits. It is the policy of the Fire Prevention Division to handle requests for operational permits for consumer fireworks sales in the most efficient and courteous manner possible and without delay, while ensuring the safety of the public, sellers and the inspectors in accordance with all applicable laws, codes and standards. The application period closed on June 30, 2023.
Temporary and Permanent Fireworks Permits require the following: The following must be obtained from the Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs:
  • A Building permit for the temporary stand
  • An Electrical permit if temporary lighting and/or generator used.
Originals submitted online to the DCFEMS Fire Prevention Division at time of application for a license to sell fireworks retail from a temporary stand or business:
  • Driver’s license, District of Columbia, state license or permit
  • List of potential employees (names and ages) who will be selling fireworks
  • Site plan showing location of a stand relative to egress paths, distances from buildings, streets and other structures
  • TWO (2) copies of notarized letter from the owner of the property granting permission for the sale of fireworks by the applicant on said property.
  • DCMR 12H  F-5609.3.2.1 FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY, Any person or business applying for a permit for the purposes of storage or retail of fireworks shall file with the Fire Chief or his representative a corporate surety bond in the principal minimum sum of  $100,000 or a public liability insurance policy for the same sum for the purposes of payment of damages to persons or property which arise from, or are caused by, the conduct of any act authorized by the permit upon which any judicial judgment results. This section shall apply to all permanent and temporary retail establishments.
  • Submit completed application, all required attachments, along with the required permit fee of $250.00 (All On-line Applications must be paid by Credit Card Only)
  • The permit application will be reviewed for accuracy and will be issued to the applicant after an inspection of the temporary stand or business occupancy. All original permits, business licenses, and certificate of occupancy issued by DLCP must be on site during the inspection. To schedule an Inspection please call (202) 727-1614.

Fireworks Permit Links 2023

Permanent Retail Business Permit Application -

  • Application Type:  Permit
  • Permit Type:  Fireworks Retail Stand - Permanent

Temporary Stands Permit Application -

  • Application Type:  Permit
  • Permit  Type:   Fireworks Retail Stand - Temporary  
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