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Fire and EMS Department

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OCTO is aware of the global issue with CrowdStrike’s update impacting Windows servers and computers. CrowdStrike has identified the issue and a fix. We are supporting District agencies to ensure operations continue. At this time, District operations are not experiencing major impacts.

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Permits, licenses and certifications icon

Learn about the operations and practices that require a proper fire code compliance review and the issuance of operational permits by the DC Fire and EMS Department.

Permits, licenses and certifications icon

La División de Prevención de Incendios (FPD) del Departamento de Bomberos y Servicios de Emergencia Médica del Distrito de Columbia es responsable de garantizar las prácticas operativas seguras de individuos, compañías y empresas que deseen usar o partici

Public Safety Icon
Safe Place Logo

All 33 DC Fire/EMS Department fire stations and the fireboat are designed as “Safe Places” for youths in crisis 24 hours a day through Project Safe Place.

Public Safety Icon
Logotipo de Safe Place

Las 33 estaciones de bomberos y los barcos de bomberos del Departamento de Bomberos y Servicios de Emergencia Médica del Distrito de Columbia (DC Fire and EMS Department, DCFEMS) están diseñados como un Lugar Seguro (Safe Place) para jóvenes en situaciones de crisis la

Public Safety Icon
ደህንነቱ የተጠበቀ ቦታ ፕሮጀክት

የደህንነቱ የተጠበቀ ሎጎ

Public Safety Icon
Logo Endroit sûr

Les 33 casernes de pompiers et le bateau-pompe du Département des Services d’incendie et médicaux d’urgence du District de Columbia offrent des « endroits sûrs » (Safe Places) aux jeunes en situation de crise, 24h/24, par le biais du projet En

Public Safety Icon

通过项目安全所,所有 33 个哥伦比亚特区消防及紧急医疗服务部消防站和消防艇均作为身陷危机的青少年的 24 小时“安全所”。

项目安全所为国家级项目,致力于为需要危机相关帮助的青少年提供安全所。该项目由哥伦比亚特区沙夏布鲁斯青年之家 (Sasha Bruce Youthwork) 负责管理。从 1992 年开始,哥伦比亚特区消防及紧急医疗服务部便与其开展合作。

Emergency Preparedness Icon
fire alarm with flame background

FEMS offers fire safety and fire prevention presentations at no cost throughout the community.

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Default image of the DC flag being held in a hand

The DC Fire and Emergency Medical Services Department’s Office of Information and Privacy (OIP) coordinates the agency’s release of documents requested under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).

Community Relations Icon
firefighters and emergency medical professionals speaking to kids at a firestation

Tours of your local fire station are available upon request. 

Community Relations Icon
firefighters and emergency medical professionals speaking to kids at a firestation

በአካባቢዎ የሚገኝ እሳት አደጋ ጣቢያ ይጎብኙ! 

Community Relations Icon
Pompiers et professionnels des urgences médicales discutant avec des enfants dans une caserne

Des visites de votre caserne locale peuvent être organisées sur demande.  Une visite dure 30 à 40 minutes environ et inclut :

Community Relations Icon

可申请参观当地消防站。参观大约持续 30 到 40 分钟,包括:

    会见消防队员、护理人员和急救医护人员 (EMT);


Community Relations Icon
firefighters and emergency medical professionals speaking to kids at a firestation

Los profesionales de emergencia médica y los bomberos hablan con los niños en las estaciones de bomberos.
