Dallas Disc Jockey Action Jaxon stopped by Engines 27, 30 and 2 on his bicycle trip to New York City to memorialize those who died Sept. 11th, 2001.
Jaxon’s tour began on September 2nd in Dallas. He bikes at least 100 miles per day and is then driven in a large promotional bus carrying two huge banners which bear the signatures of scores of people who’ve shown up at police stations and firehouses to sign it.
Greeting the KBFB 97.9 FM star was Interim Fire/EMS Chief Adrian Thompson, who presented Jaxon with a DC Fire/EMS T-Shirt and the thanks of the whole department.
“We’re grateful for what you and others like you are doing,” said Chief Thompson. “All of us are still coming to grips with enormity of that day. This positive gesture is a wonderful expression.”
Jaxon will arrive in New York City September 11th, where the banners will then be laid at the base of a Ground Zero Memorial.