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Fire and EMS Department

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Statement by DC Fire EMS Chief Adrian H. Thompson

Thursday, June 22, 2006
(Washington, DC) Following a press conference this morning in which Mayor Anthony A. Williams expressed support for Chief Thompson’s leadership, Chief Thompson issued this statement:
“I want to thank Mayor Williams for his continued confidence in my ability to lead the DC Fire EMS Department. We have made many positive changes over the past two years, and we have improved this department in many ways.
Since the tragic events of January 6th, I have taken several steps to not only further improve our operations, but also to send a message to individuals on this job: I will not tolerate apathy. I will not tolerate indifference. Our jobs often involve matters of life and death. I demand a high level of professionalism and will not accept anything else.
I have already approved the suspension of a high-ranking EMS Officer, the demotion of another, and the termination of an EMT directly involved in the incident. The process toward further personnel actions has been started. Because of privacy rules, I cannot be specific about these, and I cannot discuss them publicly, but the appropriate actions will be taken.
Other actions that have taken place:
  • All first responders are now using a standardized patient care report to document medical treatment.
  • This spring, we provided specialized training in treating patients with altered mental status. All paramedics were required to take advanced coursework in the management of critically ill patients with altered mental status in a pre-hospital setting.
  • We revamped the EMT training curricula. Starting less than a month before the Gramercy St. incident, the EMT training and EMT-recertification curricula at the Fire/EMS Training Academy were revised to improve the quality of Basic Life Support (BLS) care. The new curricula will be in use beginning in July
I want to assure the public that our first response system is sound. The great majority of individuals who do this job are enthusiastic, dedicated public safety professionals. Positive outcomes are realized in the vast majority of the 150,000-plus calls our personnel respond to each year. I take this job very seriously, and I expect all of our employees to do the same.
EMS response times are at historic best levels in our city. Paramedics are reaching more critically ill and injured patients faster. We are hiring paramedics at a record pace. Training is occurring at unprecedented levels, and our apparatus fleet is in the best shape – ever. With all these improvements, I know we can always get better. With the Mayor’s support and that of the community – we will do just that.”