(WASHINGTON, D.C.) – The District of Columbia Fire and Emergency Medical Services Department (DCFEMS) released a study by BDA Global that examined the department’s current fleet capacity and management practices.
“This study was a significant step in correcting some of the problems that have plagued our fleet division for years,” said DCFEMS Chief Kenneth B. Ellerbe. “The recommendations in this report will help us become more efficient and responsive in our operations.”
The report includes a comprehensive assessment of several major issues which include:
- Fleet inventory
- Maintenance and repair operations
- DCFEMS policies and procedures related to fleet operations
- Reserve apparatus requirements
- Training and certification of fleet maintenance personnel and facilities
More than 100 recommendations are offered in the report with some of them having been implemented by the Department prior to its release. One key recommendation implemented was the hiring of “a professional, civilian fleet director” to lead the apparatus division.
BDA Global, a District-based consulting firm that specializes in business process improvement, emergency management and continuity planning, was selected by the Department in July 2013 to conduct the audit.