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Fire and EMS Department

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Approved Fireworks Listing - 2020 Season

Wednesday, June 17, 2020


The DC Fire and EMS Department wants everyone to have a happy and safe July 4th Celebration, so please remember these important safety points:
1. Don’t buy or use Illegal Fireworks

Illegal fireworks include:

  • Any fireworks that moves or shoots a projectile
  • Any firework that explode such as firecrackers, cherry bombs, salutes, and roman candles.
  • Any Firework that emit sparks of flame greater than 12 feet.

2. Avoid buying fireworks from individuals selling them from their personal vehicles, gym bags, or back packs.
Penalties for selling illegal fireworks:

  • Any person found engaging in the use or possession of illegal fireworks in the District of Columbia will have the products confiscated and could face fines and penalties starting at $2,000.

3. Only buy Approved legal fireworks from a licensed retailer or vendor.
Legal fireworks include:

  • Sparklers less than 20 inches in length, torches, box fire, fountains, cones, dip sticks, paper novelty items, colored lights, and paper caps.
  • An approved legal fireworks listing can be found on FEMS website: or you can contact our Fire Marshals office at (202) 727-1614

4. Tips on How to safely use Legal fireworks:

  • Remember to ensure everyone is practicing social distancing.
  • Never allow children to light or play with fireworks.
  • Read and follow all warnings and instructions before use.
  • Be sure other people and structures are clear (50 feet) before lighting fireworks.
  • Only light fireworks on a smooth, flat surface away from flammable materials.
  • Use longer lighting devices (A Grill lighters is a good choice)
  • Never try to relight fireworks that have not fully functioned.
  • Keep a bucket of water in case of a malfunction or fire.

Report the use of illegal fireworks or fireworks related complaints to our Fire Marshals Office at (202) 727-1614 or email: [email protected]