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Fire and EMS Department

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July 4th Fireworks Safety Tips

As we begin to celebrate this July 4th weekend, the District of Columbia Fire and EMS Department Fire Prevention Division wants everyone to be safe.
Please remember, that the manufacturing, possession, storage, display,or discharge of the following fireworks in the District of Columbia is prohibited:
  • Any firework that moves
  • Any firework that explodes or shoots a projectile
  • Any firework that emits a spark or flame greater than 12’
  • Any firework that has a side mounted fuse or a fuse inserted at any point along the length of the product surface.
  • Any firework that contains mercury, arsenic, magnesium, phosphorus, or any other highly oxidizing agent.
  • Any firework by the Fire Marshal to be dangerous to the safety of any person or property.
Examples of Illegal /Prohibited Fireworks
  • Firecrackers
  • Cherry Bombs
  • Roman Candles
  • Salutes
  • Floral Shell
  • Artillery Shells
  • Helicopters
  • Sparklers greater than 20” in length
  • Bottle Rockets
  • Parachutes
  • Buzz Bombs
  • Pinwheels
  • Jumping Jacks
  • Anything that is similar to these products. 
Examples of Permitted Fireworks
The following types of fireworks are permitted to be stored, displayed, sold, and delivered in the District of Columbia:
  • Sparklers 20”or less
  • Torches
  • Box Fire
  • Fountains
  • Cones
  • Dip Sticks
  • Paper Caps
  • Non-poisonous snakes
  • Paper Novelty Items
  • Colored Lights

Fire Arson Form
The Fire Marshal Hotline form can be used to report information regarding suspected crimes that involve fire (Arson), fire code violations, or illegal firework activity. The information you provide here will be kept confidential and you can also remain anonymous if you choose.

Please use these forms to provide real time information regarding suspected crimes that involve fire (Arson), Fire Code Violations, or illegal firework activity. The information is confidential and will remain anonymous if you choose.

Please complete the form by clicking on the  link 

Penalties and Fines
Any person found engaging in the business of using or selling illegal fireworks in the District of Columbia will face monetary fines of $2000 or more and possible arrest and criminal prosecution.
You can report illegal firework activities on the Fire Marshal Hotline. The information you provide here will be kept confidential and you can also remain anonymous if you choose.