All request and approval for service is contingent upon the approval and availability of the DC Fire and EMS Department resources. Service request for your event can be submitted by using the link below.
- Special Events Request (We are now accepting Credit Cards.) Credit card limit increased to $100,000. If you have problems with your payment, please email [email protected] or call (202) 673-3784.
Note: Best viewed in Firefox or Chrome browsers. Payments received less than seven (7) days prior to scheduled event must be made via credit card only.
Service request may be made in the form of but not limited to the following:
- EMS Service
- Fire Suppression
- Mass Casualty
- Command and Control
- Fire and Life Safety
- Water Safety and Rescue
Service request for special events support can be submitted online along with any and all required documentation. Please review the list of required documents and ensure these documents are available before a special event service request is made. Upon receiving your request for service for your event, a representative from our Special Events Office will contact you by email or phone and serve as your primary point of contact during the processing of the request. All documents and deposits (if required) must be signed and returned to the Special Events Office no later than thirty (30) days prior to the event. Please be as detailed as possible for your service request to speed the process along.
Cancellations must be made in writing, sent and addressed to:
Special Events
Homeland Security and Special Operations Division
District of Columbia, Fire & Emergency Medical Services Department
1018 13th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20005
Any event may require additional permits, approvals, or services from other agencies in city government. The list below is inclusive of however; not limited additional review, permitting and service requirements for special events:
- Metropolitan Police Department: http://mpdc.dc.gov/service/get-permit-special-event
- Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency: http://hsema.dc.gov/
- Department of Parks and Recreation: http://dpr.dc.gov/
- Department of Health: http://doh.dc.gov/
- National Park Service: http://www.nps.gov/nama/planyourvisit/permits.htm
- Fire and EMS Department Inspections and Permits: http://fems.dc.gov/service/inspections-and-permits
Homeland Security Special Operations
Address: 1018 13th Street, NW | 20005
Ward: 1
Phone: (202) 673-6614
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
Payment Information:
We are now accepting Credit Cards.
For payment(s) that are submitted via wire transfer, certified checks or money order, please reference "FSEyymmdd" (FEMS Special Events followed by event date) on payment and send check payable to the DC Treasury.
Mail to:
Public Safety & Justice Cluster,
Attn: FEMS Special Events
899 North Capitol Street, NE, Suite 600A,
Washington, DC 20002
Or Wire to:
Account Title: DC Government
Account No: 30918939
Routing/Transit #: 021000089
Type of Account: Checking
Name of Bank: CITIBANK
Tax ID #: 536001131