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Hands on Hearts CPR AED Program

                                             Hands on Hearts CPR AED Program

Most people who experience cardiac arrest at home, work or in a public location die because they don't receive immediate CPR from someone on the scene. As a bystander, your actions can only help. Save a life…learn Hands Only CPR.  
DCFEMS offers free classes on the basics of Hands-only CPR and AED awareness. Hands-only CPR is a technique that involves chest compressions without artificial respiration. Studies indicate that Hands-only CPR performed immediately may increase a cardiac arrest victim’s chance of survival. The training instructs participants to focus on their hand placement, tempo and the number of compressions.


Counter: 103,261
The number of individuals who have received
Hands Only CPR Awareness Training.
As of: March 31, 2024

Note that Hands Only CPR does not provide participants with certification in CPR or a certification card. Please visit our CPR Training Program for more information on certification.

To host or attend a hands-only CPR class, please contact us at [email protected] or call 311.

Hands on Hearts CPR AED Program

Hands on Hearts CPR AED Program   Hands on Hearts CPR AED Program

Download the PulsePoint App to your smartphone today to help save a life!
Once you have received CPR training, get alerted to sudden cardiac arrests in your immediate vicinity, so that you can start CPR in the critical lifesaving minutes before EMS teams arrive.

PulsePoint Respond empowers everyday citizens to provide life‐saving assistance to victims of sudden cardiac arrest.

App users who have indicated they are trained in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and willing to assist in case of an emergency can be notified if someone nearby is having a cardiac emergency and may require CPR.

If the cardiac emergency is in a public place, the location-aware application will alert users in the vicinity of the need for CPR simultaneous with the dispatch of advanced medical care. The application also directs these potential rescuers to the exact location of the closest Automated External Defibrillator (AED).

How it can help
Sudden cardiac arrest can happen to anyone, at any time, but PulsePoint Respond empowers CPR-trained citizens to help improve patient outcomes and save lives by reducing collapse-to-CPR and collapse-to-defibrillation times. And when citizens are more aware of and engaged with the health of their community, they become better partners with your agency—and a stronger link in your response efforts.



Hands on Hearts CPR AED Program

Hands on Hearts CPR AED Program

Automated External Defibrillator (AED)
(Source: FDA)

Learn More About the DC Fire and EMS AED Program

An automated external defibrillator (AED) is a device that automatically analyzes the heart rhythm in victims of cardiac arrest, and delivers an electrical shock to the heart to restore its normal rhythm. AEDs are important tools in providing a rapid response to victims of cardiac arrest.

An AED system consists of an AED device, battery, pad electrode, and if applicable, an adapter.

AEDs are found in airports, community centers, schools, government buildings, and other public locations. These devices are intended for use by the general public.

DC Fire and EMS encourages you to purchase and install AEDs for your buildings and to register the AEDs with us at

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